English ->Romanian -> Urdu ->Swedish ->Hebrew ->Lithuanian ->Indonesian ->Maltese ->Basque ->Armenian ->Ukrainian ->Greek ->Haitian Creole ->English
After the fall of
On leaving the city
My husband and I heard
You know that I can not stop
I signed with you
My friends can not open their gifts
Additionally, the song is sad in new
So goodbye yellow brick road is
If the dog is acting as
No. You can not plant
Searching for your gadget
Back to howling old owl in the woods
Games become horny frog
Oh, I finally decide future
Apart from the way the yellow brick
So what do you think they will
Project was late in my opinion
Some will have a tonic cup
Reinitialize and feet
Maybe you have an opportunity
Many people think like me
Tell me that children do not get a bitch
According to the council wants to take center
Original Lyrics
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